Work in Progress

Finally a clear day in the studio to get on with images for Dan Ariely's the Inequality Project.  Being propelled forward today by coffee, kit kats and Ah Um by Charlie Mingus (other chocolate based snacks and crazy named jazz musicians available)


Less is a Possibility

Really excited to be working on a project with Dan Ariely the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University and a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight. See one of his TED talks here. Having read his book Predictably Irrational I have been following his blog, an opputunity arose to collaborate on some research work Ariely has been involved in on the subject of Social and Economic Inequality, this really interested me and I was lucky enough to be chosen to submit work to exhibited in America this summer. All I've got to do now is get my head around this research and produce some fantastic images, no pressure.